You have probably heard of the phenomenon of the self-fulfilling prophecy. In a nutshell, in its negative sense, it says that whatever Reviews we fear will happen will probably happen if we believe it will and if our behaviors reflect this.
This counter-intuitive principle
plays out in many areas of our lives, none more so than our romantic
relationships. The intuitive notion is to believe that if we spend our lives
trying to avoid a certain eventuality, or trying to prevent a certain behavior
in others, our efforts will be rewarded. Often though, we end up getting
exactly what we were trying to avoid.
Imagine you are sitting with your
woman and she mentions about the new guy who started in her job. You think
nothing of it, but over the next couple of weeks, she brings him up in
conversation Amolatina regularly.
She talks about the things they are collaborating on, or how "he's so
funny". It starts to get to you, and eventually gets the better of you.
You snap, and say something like, "you're talking a lot about him these
days, what's going on", or even worse, "you talk so much about him,
why don't the two of you start seeing each other?". You've seen it in
Hollywood movies. You've seen it in sitcoms. It may even have had a happy
ending. But in real life, it does not end well. In that moment, your standing
in your woman's eyes has taken a big blow. You have demonstrated that you are
too easily affected by your woman's interactions with other men. She has not
mentioned that this guy has hit on her, or has asked her out, yet your
insecurity could still be triggered. She now knows that she cannot mention
other men around you, but even worse, she now feels that you have an underlying
insecurity or jealousy that will permeate the relationship.
If this is a once-off, then the
damage may be
limited, and you have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and re-establish
your sense of self-assuredness and security in her eyes.
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