Forgiveness After Betrayal!

Forgiveness is necessary and integral to the healing process after the discovery of betrayal. It restores harmony and brings forth peace for "you". You are choosing your happiness by making a conscious choice to forgive and to make peace with your past by giving up resentment, revenge, and obsession. Forgiveness frees you from the shackles of anger Reviews and chains of resentment. Forgiveness relieves the stress of betrayal trauma, brings about inner peace, and helps restore balance and harmony.


You are making a conscious decision to not let your pain define you. Remember, you are greater than this difficult and challenging time. You can resolve to move through this temporary period with creativity. Breaking up was a single episode in a long life span, which will soon come to pass.


Know that forgiveness comes from a place of strength. Forgiveness is something you are doing to help yourself to be free of this event and from negativity. It is a deliberate choice, so you can AnastasiaDate move on to live a life of joy. It is an opportunity to release yourself from this emotional prison. It takes courage and power to release someone.


Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. ~ Mark Twain


You are creating a different relationship dynamic by forgiving. Forgiveness is the conscious act of releasing wrongdoers for having behaved destructively toward you and having caused you pain and hurt. You are making a choice and a decision to no longer feed the dark, destructive energy but instead to take steps toward transforming your life and moving on to live a victorious life. The act of forgiving empowers you to move beyond the old hurts that are still hindering your freedom.


Forgiveness is a path that should be welcomed with open arms and embraced. Forgiveness is an active process rather than passive, and it takes work. Effort, work, and energy spent in the healing process are worth their weight in gold since they are ways of looking out for yourself. Forgiveness is one thing you can be totally selfish about. Healing emotional wounds involves taking full responsibility for oneself, committing to oneself, and to happiness and health. It requires releasing any behavior, attitudes, or emotions that are blocking the process of healing. Forgiveness also involves discipline, desire, and surrendering to let go of things that are harmful.


I understand that an emotional wound such as adultery involves negative emotions such as sadness, anger, regret, fear, helplessness, hopelessness, and jealousy. These strong emotions are linked to the heartbreak and therefore they are tough to break free of. In reality you are dealing with two different things, the actual breakup event and the emotions tied to that event. They have become entwined, and the two have become one in your mind.


In the case of a betrayal, forgiveness includes you, your ex, and the other person. It takes time to work through a loss.


Make a promise and a commitment to yourself. You will not become this event and will refuse to be defined by it. Instead you will lean on the act of forgiveness to conquer this event. You had a beautiful life before, and soon you can have it again.


