I sometimes hear from people are fed up with their spouse's reluctance to accept the ramifications for their affair. After all, they are the ones who chose to cheat. Now, they should be prepared to act like a mature adult who is not only committed to fixing their marriage, Amolatina.com Reviewsbut who is also willing to face the consequences. But although this can make sense to you and me, many cheating spouses resist this. They can almost take on a challenging or combative attitude when you ask them to take responsibility for their actions.
Common comments from wives dealing
with this are things like: "the only reason that I know about my husband's
affair is because one of our mutual friends felt badly about this and had the
decency to tell me. I expected for my husband to apologize and ask me what he
can do to make this up to me. But so far, I haven't got any words even close to
this sentiment. Instead, he muttered something about not doing it again and
insisted that he didn't want to talk about this or be nagged about it for the
rest of his life. I have told him that I don't want him going out with friends
without me any more. His reply was that I was acting like his mother. I told him
that I wanted for us to go to counseling and he said that I am treating him
like a dog who has to be trained or leashed. Essentially, every time I ask my
husband to make a concession to make me feel more secure or to make him take
responsibility, Amolatina he will
give me a reason why I am asking too much or he will pretty much refuse my
request. It is like he thinks that he should just walk away from this as if
nothing happened or as if nothing has changed. I guess he wants to just pretend
that this never happened so that there is no ramifications for his actions. If
I had been the one who cheated, he would make me jump through all sorts of
hoops to regain his trust. But I suppose the same rules do not apply to him.
How can I get him to accept that there are going to be some concessions that he
is going to have to make? Because at this point, he seems to believe that he
can just bully me into accepting whatever he wants to give me. And that isn't
going to work. If he doesn't make sincere changes, then Amolatina.com I will
never trust him again and I will always think he's a jerk who doesn't care
enough about me."
I could certainly understand this
wife's outlook and I completely agreed with it. But one thing that I believe
she was missing was the possibility that her husband may have been putting on a
little act just to see how far he could push her. After all, very few men are going
to be completely happy to allow their wives to put them on a leash because of
their bad behavior. (This was the husband's words, not mine.) And of course
some men are going to test their wives to see if they can manipulate her into
backing off on her demands.
This doesn't mean that he doesn't
fully realize that he was wrong or that he doesn't know that he fully deserves
every consequence that you are suggesting. But he also might figure that it is
worth a shot to see if he can get you to back off of some of your demands. To
be honest, I see this frequently and it is posturing. The cheating spouse knows
that there are some uncomfortable and restrictive days in their immediate
future. And it is just human nature to want to avoid this if they can. So they
have a couple of choices. They can appeal to your sense of fairness. But this
probably is not going to work considering the severity of their actions. The
other option that they have is to try to make you back off with an exaggerated
or aggressive stance. They usually figure that this is worth a try. And even if
they don't get you to back off on every item, they may at least win something
You Will Have To Show Him That His
Strategy Doesn't Work For You: So how do you show them that this isn't going to
work? By standing your ground. The first step here is to sit down and ask
yourself if any of your demands are unfair or unrealistic. Expecting your
spouse to never go out again might be unrealistic, but asking him to stay close
to home while you are rebuilding the trust most definitely is not. Asking him
to try counseling or asking him to keep an open mind about it is also not too
much to ask considering the circumstance. Asking him to show his sincerity and
his commitment by making concessions that he isn't going to necessarily like is
also not too much to ask. And it's important that you make this clear so that
he doesn't think that his strategy is going to work. One this happens, it will
hopefully be common sense on his part to stop.
The next time he begins refusing to
comply with the reasonable requests that you have made, you might consider
saying something like: "I need to stop you right there and say something.
You seem to be reluctant about all of my suggestions. And you react to this by
making sarcastic comments or you discard what I am saying. If we are going to
save our marriage or reestablish the trust, this just isn't going to work. In
order for me to believe that you are truly remorseful for this and that you
don't intend to repeat it, I need to see some concessions. I realize that you
may not enjoy this. I don't either. But there are some things that need to
happen in order for me to begin to trust you again and for me to believe that
you are sincere. If you aren't willing to do these things, then I have to
question your commitment and I have to wonder about our chances of saving our
marriage. You don't have to like what I am asking you to do. But I need for you
to make the effort anyway."
You really don't need to say the
words "and none of this would be necessary if you hadn't had an
affair," because it is obviously implied and you both know that the words
are there even if they are unspoken. It's not uncommon for cheating spouses to
try very hard to limit the consequences of their affair. That's why you will
need to determine which consequences are reasonable and necessary and then
stick to them.
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